Amended Phase 1 EA and Errata

August 2, 2018

Wataynikaneyap Power L.P. (Wataynikaneyap) is a licenced transmission company owned by 22 First Nation communities and Fortis Inc., with the objective of connecting remote First Nation communities currently serviced by diesel generation in Northwest Ontario. This initiative has been identified as a priority by the Government of Ontario, and Wataynikaneyap has been selected as the designated transmitter to connect communities. Phase 1 encompasses a new transmission line to Pickle Lake (the Project). The Project includes an approximately 300‑kilometre, 230 kilovolt transmission line and associated Project components from Dinorwic (east of Dryden) to Pickle Lake. Phase 2 will connect 17 First Nation communities north of Pickle Lake and Red Lake with an estimated 1,500 km of new transmission line.

The Project is going through an Individual Environmental Assessment under the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act. As required under section 6.2(1) of the Environmental Assessment Act and according to the Terms of Reference approved by the Minister of the Environment and Climate Change, Wataynikaneyap submitted its environmental assessment to the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) (formerly Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change) for review and approval on November 3, 2017.

To aid in facilitating review during the upcoming MECP review period of the Project, Wataynikaneyap has prepared an Amended Environmental Assessment (EA) Report that consolidates revisions and errata identified through the Final EA Report review period.  The updates to the document do not change the conclusions of the environmental assessment; and also note that the Project design remains the same.  (