Community Connection Schedule

Wataynikaneyap Power Transmission Project Connection Dates    


Currently Connected

Pikangikum First Nation (44 kV Distribution) - December 2018    

North Caribou Lake First Nation - October 2022    

Kingfisher Lake First Nation - November 2022

Pikangikum First Nation (44 kV to 115 kV Conversion) - May 2023    

Bearskin Lake First Nation  - July 2023 

Wawakapewin First Nation - August 2023        

Kasabonika Lake First Nation - September 2023  

Wunnumin Lake First Nation - September 2023

Sachigo Lake First Nation  - November 2023

‍Kitchnuhmaykoosib Inninuwug-  December 2023    

Wapekeka First Nation - December 2023

Sandy Lake First Nation - April 2024

Deer Lake First Nation - April 2024    

Future Connections    

Muskrat Dam First Nation (Assets in service as of July 2023)

Poplar Hill First Nation (Assets in service as of March 2024)

North Spirit Lake First Nation (Assets in service as of May 2024) 

Keewaywin First Nation (Assets in service as of May 2024)

McDowell Lake First Nation - TBD (Wataynikaneyap Power will explore options to connect after the current EPC contract)

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