Environmental Management

Environmental Annual Compliance Report (April 1, 2023 – March 31, 2024) for Phase 1 New Transmission Line to Pickle Lake Project

Environmental Annual Compliance Report (April 1, 2022 – March 31, 2023) for Phase 1 New Transmission Line to Pickle Lake Project

Environmental Annual Compliance Report (April 1, 2021 to March 31, 2022) for Phase 1 New Transmission Line to Pickle Lake Project

Environmental Annual Compliance Report (April 1, 2020 to March 31, 2021) for Phase 1 New Transmission Line to Pickle Lake Project is available here

Environmental Annual Compliance Report (June 21, 2019 to March 31, 2020) for Phase 1 New Transmission Line to Pickle Lake Project is available here

Updated Project Description for Pikangikum Distribution Line Project (August 2017) is available here

Compliance Monitoring Plan

A summary of construction activities and project work will be provided to identified Indigenous Communities and ministries 15 days in advance of proposed work. This overview will be updated and available every three months, including a list of potential environmental features, constraints and management plans to address unexpected conditions in the relevant area(s) during the period.

Check out the latest Environmental Newsletter!

2023 August - Environmental Update (Anishininiimowin translated)

2023 August - Environmental Update

2023 May - Environmental Update (Anishininiimowin translated) ᐊᐦᑭᐤ ᑲᓇᐁᐧᐣᒋᑫᐃᐧᐣ ᓂᐦᓱᐱᓯᑦ ᓂᑲᐣᑲᐃᓇᐱᓇᓂᐊᐧᐠ ᒪᑯᐱᓯᑦ - ᒍᓫᐊᔾᐱᓯᑦ 2023

2023 May - Environmental Update

2023 February - Environmental Update (Anishininiimowin translated) ᐊᐦᑭᐠ ᓂᓱᐱᓯᑦ ᓂᑲᐣ ᑲᐃᔑᐅᓇᒋᑲᓂᐊᐧᐠ ᑲᒐᑲᐧᑭᓯᐨ ᐱᓯᑦ - ᓀᐃᐧᐨ ᓂᑭᐱᓯᑦ 2023

2023 February - Environmental Update

2022 November - Environmental Update (Anishininiimowin translated) ᐊᐦᑭᐤ ᓂᐦᓯᐱᓯᑦ ᓂᑲᐣ ᐁᐃᐧᓇᐱᓇᓂᐊᐧᐠ ᓄᐯᑦᐸᐣᐱᓯᑦ 2022 - ᐅᒉᒥᑲᓂᐱᓯᑦ 2023

2022 November - Environmental Update

2022 August - Environmental Update (Anishininiimowin translated) ᐊᐧᑲᐢᐟᐱᓯᑦ – ᐱᓇᑲᑫᐧᐱᓯᑦ 2022 ᑎᐸᒋᒧᐃᐧᐣ

2022 August - Environmental Update

2022 May - Environmental Update (Anishininiimowin translated) ᒪᑯᐱᓯᑦ - ᒍᓫᐊᔾᐱᓯᑦ 2022 ᐊᐦᑭᐤ ᓂᐦᓯᐱᓯᑦ ᓂᑲᐣ ᐁᐃᐧᓇᐱᓇᓂᐊᐧᐠ

2022 May - Environmental Update

2022 February - Environmental Update (Anishininiimowin translated) ᑲᒐᑲᐧᑭᓯᐨ ᐱᓯᑦ - ᓀᐃᐧ ᐨ ᓂᑭᐱᓯᑦ 2022 ᐊᐦᑭᐤ ᓂᐦᓯᐱᓯᑦ ᓂᑲᐣ ᐁᐃᐧᓇᐱᓇᓂᐊᐧᐠ

2022 February - Environmental Update

2021 - November - Environmental Update (Anishininiimowin translated) ᓄᐯᑦᐸᐣᐱᓯᑦ 2021 - ᐅᒋᒥᑲᐣᐱᓯᑦ 2022 ᐊᐦᑭᐠ ᓂᓱᐱᓯᑦ ᓂᑲᐣ ᑲᐃᔑᐅᓇᒋᑲᓂᐊᐧᐠ

2021 November - Environmental Update

2021 August - Environmental Update

2021 August - Environmental Update (Anishininiimowin translated) ᐊᐧᑲᐢᐟᐱᓯᑦ – ᐱᓇᑲᑫᐧᐱᓯᑦ 2021 ᑎᐸᒋᒧᐃᐧᐣ

2021 May - Environmental Update

2021 May - Environmental Update (Anishininiimowin translated) ᒪᐦᑯᐱᓯᑦ – ᐅᐡᑭᐸᑲᐤ ᐱᓯᑦ 2021 ᑎᐸᒋᒧᐃᐧᐣ

2021 February - Environmental Update

2021 February - Environmental Update (Anishininiimowin translated) ᑲᒐᑲᐧᑭᓯᐨ ᐱᓯᑦ - ᓀᐃᐧᐨ ᓂᑭᐱᓯᑦ 2021 ᑎᐸᒋᒧᐃᐧᐣ

2020 November - Environmental Update

2020 November - Environmental Update (Anishininiimowin translated) ᓄᐯᑦᐸᐣᐱᓯᑦ 2020 – ᐅᒉᒥᑲᓂᐱᓯᑦ2021 ᑎᐸᒋᒧᐃᐧᐣ

2020 August V2 - Environmental Update

2020 August v2- Environmental Update (Anishininiimowin translated) ᐸᓯᑲᐧᐦᐅᐱᓯᑦ 2020 ᑎᐸᒋᒧᐃᐧᐣ

2020 August - Environmental Update

2020 August - Environmental Update (Anishininiimowin translated) ᐸᓯᑲᐧᐦᐅᐱᓯᑦ 2020 ᑎᐸᒋᒧᐃᐧᐣ

2020 February - Environmental Update

2020 February - Environmental Update (Anishininiimowin translated) ᑲᒐᑲᐧᑭᓯᐨ ᐱᓯᑦ 2020 ᑎᐸᒋᒧᐃᐧᐣ

2019 November - Environmental Update

2019 November - Environmental Update (Anishininiimowin translated) ᓄᐯᑦᐸᐣ 2019 ᑎᐸᒋᒧᐃᐧᐣ

Project Area Map

For more information about the Environmental Assessment Process, please review the information provided in the Engagement section of the website. Questions and concerns can be directed to:

Wataynikaneyap Power (807)577-5955  
watayinquiries@wataypower.ca; Engagement.Support@wataypower.ca

Opiikapawiin Services LP (807)474-3300  
contact@oslp.ca; Engagement@oslp.ca

Species at Risk

Last Updated Nov 15, 2019

 As part of the Wataynikaneyap Power Environmental Assessment, three key wildlife species are identified as At Risk within the project area. Because these species are already at risk, it is important, and environmental legislation requires that mitigation measures be followed to minimize the impact of the Project. Below is a summary of the wildlife species and the mitigation measures that Wataynikaneyap Power and all contractors will follow under the direction of the Environmental Monitoring team.  

Little Brown Myotis and Northern Myotis

Bats are nocturnal, during the day; they roost in trees and buildings.
Little brown bats hibernate from October or November to March or April.

Wataynikaneyap will avoid high-potential habitat locations between sensitive time of May 1 and August 15 during clearing, construction and maintenance activities.

Implementation of the Noise Management Plan will limit the amount of vegetation clearing noise, including in and near to potential eastern whip-poor-will habitats.


Wolverines usually live alone and roam across large territories. Females build dens under snow-covered boulders, fallen logs, and occasionally in snow drifts.

Environmental monitors will be retained to monitor the development footprint during construction to identify sensitive features (e.g.wolverine dens) in advance of clearing.

Avoid Project activities within 4 km of identified wolverine dens January 1 to March 30.

Selective mechanical vegetation clearing

Manage attractants (e.g. bear-proof containers, garbage removed frequently)


Caribou require large, undisturbed areas of mature conifer upland forest and lowlands. At smaller scales, caribou seasonally select specific habitat features and areas that support successful reproduction and calf rearing, provide summer and/or winter forage, and/or facilitate movement between discrete areas of use.

Minimize final Project footprint in caribou ranges to limit damage and removal of habitat. Adhere to timing restrictions where possible to avoid sensory disturbance as well as harming or harassing animals:

* Winter Use Areas: Dec 1 – Mar 1

* Nursery Areas: May 1 – July 14& July 15 to Sept 15

Selective vegetation clearing and bending roads to reduce line-of-sight for predators.

Implement environmental training for Project employee sand contractors.

Minimize wildlife-human interactions

Permitting Process

Last Updated January 15 2020

Wataynikaneyap Power is required to obtain permits from various government agencies. Environmental permit applications will be posted online and an access link with log-in information will be provided to all required communities identified in the EAs. Members will also be notified when any new applications are added. This includes work permits, aggregate permits, and other relevant environmental authorizations.Below is a summary of the completed, in progress and not yet started permits.All permits are typically granted with conditions of approval, which are requirements that must be followed or completed to maintain valid approval, below is a brief overview.

Download a complete list of permits and approvals

Download an updated map of Phase 1 water crossings and work permit locations

Specified communities and agencies (as per Phase 1 Environmental Assessment) will be provided login credentials to access the environmental alignment sheets. https://wataypower.kbm.ca/permitting/

Indigenous Community Monitoring Participation, Network and Capacity Building

Wataynikaneyap PM and Opiikapawiin Services LP are working together with qualified contractors to complete the Environmental Assessment, field work and monitoring plan. The identified communities are land users and stewards of the homelands that the powerline crosses and will have meaningful participation in the environmental monitoring activities. The Environmental Program will empower the communities to build capacity and monitor project activity through a network of environmental monitors. This will be done in a manner that respects the homelands, rights and principles, way of life, and land sharing protocols. Monitoring principles combine Indigenous Knowledge and scientific information. The environmental monitoring network will build capacity within communities to understand, prevent and respond to environmental impacts.  

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