Holding Company Established to Represent 13 First Nations Communities

February 17, 2013

In December 2012,  a new Holding Company was established by 13 First Nations communities (CCEG) with an interest in transmission development in Northwestern Ontario. The Board of Directors met in Thunder Bay from December 19 - 20 2012, and will be meeting again February 19 - 21 2013.  

The 13 First Nations communities are working with local industry to develop the Wataynikaneyap Power project to build a new transmission line to Pickle Lake and beyond to connect remote First Nations communities currently serviced by diesel generation.

The new First Nations Holding Company will be seeking a long term Transmitter partner to develop the Wataynikaneyap project, however, the stated goal is for Wataynikaneyap Power to eventually be 100% First Nations owned.