Remote First Nations Initiate Local Distribution Company (LDC) Options Study

December 1, 2013

Wataynikaneyap Power is planning to connect 15 remote First Nations communities currently serviced by diesel generation.  A key consideration for these communities will be to plan and prepare local distribution connection to the provincial transmission system.  

Local distribution in remote communities is currently managed by Hydro One Remote Communities Inc (HORCI) or Independent Power Authorities (IPA). Through the Central Corridor Energy Group, these First Nations communities have engaged Edward Hoshizaki Development Consulting to complete a Local Distribution Company (LDC) options study.  The purpose of the study is to:

  • Engage with communities on all aspects of understanding local distribution and potential ownership options
  • Identify community needs and concerns regarding local distribution
  • Audit distribution assets
  • Analyze and recommend an LDC ownership model

The study is expected to be completed by April 2014.  More information will be made available as the study moves forward.