

Wawakapewin First Nation Energized by Wataynikaneyap Power

September 29, 2023

The ‘line that brings light’ connects Wawakapewin First Nation to the provincial power grid.

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North Caribou Lake First Nation Energized by Wataynikaneyap Power

September 14, 2023

The ‘line that brings light’ connects North Caribou Lake First Nation to the provincial power grid.

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Bearskin Lake First Nation Energized by Wataynikaneyap Power

August 23, 2023

The ‘line that brings light’ connects Bearskin Lake First Nation to the provincial power grid.

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Ontario Energy Board Issues Notice of Hearing 2024

July 19, 2023

Wataynikaneyap Power applied to the Ontario Energy Board (OEB) for approval to change its electricity transmission rates and its fixed charge to Hydro One Remote Communities Inc. effective January 1, 2024.

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Future Generations Scholarship Recipient announced by FortisOntario Inc. and Wataynikaneyap Power!

May 26, 2023

Fort Erie and Fort William First Nation, Ontario – FortisOntario Inc. and Wataynikaneyap Power LP are pleased to introduce the recipient of FortisOntario’s Future Generations Scholarship: Ms. Cheyenne Wassaykeesic of Poplar Hill First Nation.

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Kingfisher Lake First Nation Energized by Wataynikaneyap Power

November 23, 2022

The ‘line that brings light’ connects Kingfisher Lake First Nation to the provincial power grid

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Wataynikaneyap Power Transmission Project named Clean50 Project for a Second Year

October 12, 2022

Fort William First Nation, Ontario – Wataynikaneyap Power is pleased to announce that, for the second year in a row, the Wataynikaneyap Power Transmission Project has been chosen as a 2023 Clean50 Top Project award winner. Clean50 Top Projects are chosen annually based on their innovation, their ability to inform, and inspire other Canadians.

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Wataynikaneyap Power Reaches Major Milestone!

August 16, 2022

Phase1 Energization of ‘line that brings light’ one step closer to powering the remote north

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Ontario Energy Board Issues Notice of Hearing 2022

July 25, 2022

Wataynikaneyap Power applied to the Ontario Energy Board (OEB) for approval to change its electricity transmission rates and its fixed charge to Hydro One Remote Communities Inc. effective January 1, 2023.

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FortisOntario Inc. and Wataynikaneyap Power announce Future Generations Scholarship

June 21, 2022

In honour of National Indigenous Peoples Day, FortisOntario is pleased to be rolling out the $10,000 Future Generations Scholarship program available to the Wataynikaneyap Power Project’s 24 owner First Nations.

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Wataynikaneyap Power CEO, Margaret Kenequanash, chosen as a “2022 Changemaker” by The Globe and Mail

February 25, 2022

The Globe narrowed down 50 ‘Changemakers’ –entrepreneurs, academics and executives – whose dedication, perseverance andenthusiasm might just give us the lift we need to make it through the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Public Statement

January 27, 2022

Fort William First Nation, Ontario – (January 27, 2022) It is with great sadness that Wataynikaneyap Power reports that a worker involved in the construction of the Wataynikaneyap Power Project was found deceased approximately 390 km north of Pickle Lake, Ontario yesterday evening.

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